Word 2007-Stupid Formatting...

A word to the wise! Never use dumb formats like .xlsx or .docx when sending mass emails. People can't open these files and you are wasting a lot of time! But if you find yourself on the receiving end of one of these emails from some ignorant b!@#!@#. Then let me give you some suggestions.

First you can head on over to zamzar.com
Its a free converter service that will upload your file and convert it to something you can open.
But keep in mind it will take 20 minutes or 2-3 hours to e-mail you your new file.

Second you can get some sort of viewer from Microsoft.
But chances are that if you are on a work machine then you wont have proper admin rights to make the necessary changes...


P.S.- If you can't tell I have just received a .xlsx file and spent the last hour trying to open it...