The day the Music Died

Today the 12th... I sadly lose my fellow g33k.... Scott leaves at 8:00 tomorrow morning for Creighton University to study computer Science.... That leaves me here in this small town... by myself.... Luckily this year the local community college,(locally means and hour away) has added a satellite campus that is about 10 minutes away, my first class is A+ Certification, I can't Wait!

For years I have been stuck in this town learning the norm. My most Technologically advance class was Learning (teaching) Microsoft Office and how to use it.... Finally i get a chance to explore the reaches of the 
Tech world and learn about what I love and have a passion for. Computers.
These are my classes:
A+ Certification
College 101 (LOL)
Algebra (not a math guru)
Electric Circuits
Intro to Computer Hardware

Did I mention I love Technology? All of my computer related Classes all have pod-casts!! I can jam to Lectures on my I pod.